
Connecticut Asbestos Exposure

Being right next to the ocean, a significant part of Connecticut’s business came from shipyards, naval hubs, chemical processing plants, and metal works, to name a few. Many occupations involved the marine in some way.

Asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral, was once used heavily in many of these types of industrial capacities due to its ability to withstand fire, electricity, and chemical corrosion. Most structures built before a period are likely to have some form of asbestos within. Connecticut ranks 29th in the U.S. for deaths related to prolonged asbestos exposure. Prolonged exposure has been known to cause a cancer known as mesothelioma, cancer that affects the lining of the lungs abdomen, or heart, and other lung-related conditions such as asbestosis.

High-Risk Areas

Besides the industries listed above, there are many other high-risk areas where asbestos is more likely to be found. Knowing the types of items that have asbestos in them can help you deduce where traces of the mineral could be. Some items commonly made with asbestos:

1) Materials that would need heat resistance.

These can encompass automobile parts such as brakes and valves, certain fabrics, insulation, hot water, and steam plumbing, water tanks, oil and coal furnaces, door gaskets, floor and walls surrounding wood-burning stoves, and air duct coverings to name a few.

2) Items that need to withstand chemical corrosion.

This can mean pipes, textured paint, vinyl products, gutters, exterior window panels, and popcorn ceilings.

3) Products that need protection against the elements.

Some including gutters, roofing, and siding shingles, sealants and coatings, and electric motor components.

Naval Yards, Shipping Hubs, and Other Industrial Factories

Navy and civilian shipyards, hubs, and other industrial factories made before the 1970s most likely include asbestos. 1970s was around the time when researchers began discovering the harmful effects of the mineral to human health. Some places in Connecticut that could’ve had high risks for exposure are:

  • Derecktor Shipyards
  • General Electric
  • Groton Ironworks
  • Mystic Shipyards
  • Thames Shipyards
  • United Illuminating Company

Superfund Sites

Due to the abundance of toxic work sites scattered throughout the U.S., The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began enforcing the cleanup of these sites to help protect the public health. These abandoned sites consist of those that contain hazardous materials where the owner or entity responsible doesn’t claim responsibility are then cleaned up by the EPA. They utilize money designated by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, also known as the Superfund, or Superfund law to remove the poisonous materials. Superfund sites in Connecticut are:

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Asbestos causes latent mesothelioma. Think you were exposed? Request a case evaluation to pinpoint the cause and who’s responsible.
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Regulations Against Asbestos

Since researchers discovered the mineral to be a carcinogen (cancer-causing), specific uses of it began getting outlawed. This was primarily because several employees were getting exposed negligently, and consequently getting sick after prolonged exposure. These laws and regulations tend to put the responsibility of providing a clean, asbestos-free environment on the building owners, operators, and managers, with strict consequences if they aren’t followed. Penalties can include jail or prison time and heavy fines.

After researchers learned of the mineral’s toxicity, the EPA put together a set of national asbestos regulations guidelines for organizations called the National Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). The state of Connecticut follows the NESHAP regulations and has also placed specific state laws for controlling further exposure to its residents. The NESHAP and Connecticut state regulations combined work to reduce the chances of releasing asbestos fibers during all activities that require contact and handling of the mineral.

Legal Recourse for Connecticut Residents

With all the state and national regulations put in place to protect their residents from negligent or unknown asbestos exposure, those who end up developing an asbestos-related illness are eligible for legal recourse. Speak with an experienced mesothelioma attorney about the complexities of your case and potentially filing a claim against the asbestos companies responsible for your exposure.

Treatment Centers Near Connecticut

Finding a cancer treatment center nearby can be very helpful, as they provide an abundance of information and resources for patients. Since mesothelioma can sometimes get mistaken for other illnesses, it can be misdiagnosed, so having a cancer-specific center can help avoid this issue. If you receive a medical diagnosis and would like a second opinion, or even if it’s your first trip, you can visit any of these cancer treatment centers with proximity to Connecticut or surrounding states.


New Hampshire

New York











Think You’ve Been Exposed?

If you’ve worked at any of the above-listed facilities or believe you were exposed to asbestos via other means, go to a doctor and get tested. There are a few early examinations that a doctor can administer depending on your circumstances, to help diagnose mesothelioma or other asbestos-related conditions.

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Mesothelioma Hub is dedicated to helping you find information, support, and advice. Reach out any time!