
Who Is Mesothelioma Hub?

Mesothelioma Hub is a team dedicated to providing patients and their families with all of the information and resources they need to battle mesothelioma. Whether you served this country in the military, as a contractor, or even just lived near asbestos, you have the right to information about your diagnosis.

Since 2018, has been a source for education on cancer, treatment, and compensation. If you have any questions that you can’t find on the site, please feel free to contact us at co*****@me*************.com.

Who Can Mesothelioma Hub Help?

We are here to help anyone that has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or asbestos-caused cancer. Every year, over 3,000 people across the United States of America are diagnosed with mesothelioma through no fault of their own. They were exposed to asbestos, a known carcinogen, by corporations that pushed out thousands of products every year with it. Mesothelioma Hub’s mission is to connect these people with the resources they need for treatment and medical expenses.

Why To Use Our Resources

A mesothelioma diagnosis is a hard time for people and their loved ones. Treatment must typically begin immediately and hospital bills can wrack up quickly. Mesothelioma Hub is an exterior source for information that may not be easily accessible. If you have questions about treatment or prognosis at any time, then Mesothelioma Hub can be here for you.

We partner with one of the country’s most experienced mesothelioma law firms and have established relationships with some of the nation’s most renowned mesothelioma treatment specialists. If you or your loved one are in need of financial assistance or direction to a medical facility, then call (833) 997-1947 to speak with a patient advocate.

Contact Us

Have a question for the team? We’d love to answer it! You can reach us at co*****@me*************.com.

Reach out through mail to:

Mesothelioma Hub LLC
138 N. Main Street
Edwardsville, IL 62025


Mesothelioma Support Team

Mesothelioma Hub is dedicated to helping you find information, support, and advice. Reach out any time!