
The Dangers of Asbestos Exposure for Johns Manville Workers

The Johns Manville Corporation along with other major asbestos companies in the U.S., hid evidence for over three decades about the harmful effects of asbestos exposure. Despite knowing the dangers, they jeopardized the health of millions of workers nationwide. Documents from lawsuits reveal that companies like Johns-Manville suppressed research findings on asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma and asbestosis. Executives edited and downplayed references to asbestos dangers, ensuring that the public and workers remained unaware of the severe health risks.

During this time, the Johns Manville Corporation produced asbestos products while funding a disinformation campaign through the Asbestos Information North America (AIA) to undermine legitimate scientific research on asbestos hazards as roofing materials, cement, and insulation. Their employees who worked directly with any of these products were unknowingly inhaling disturbed asbestos fibers, causing them to develop serious health conditions such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer, and other asbestos-related diseases. In this article we will review what you can do if you worked here at any point, how this affects you, and if you can seek legal compensation.

Johns Manville Products with Asbestos

Without proper PPE, such as respirators and gloves, workers were not protected from the disturbed airborne fibers in the factory. Unfortunately, the latency period to develop symptoms from an asbestos-related illness is between 10 to 50 years, so it took workers decades to even know that they were sick. This means exposed workers may only realize it once the disease is in its later stages when treatment options are limited. Workers and their loved ones deserved to know about Johns Manville Corporation, the health risks associated with their asbestos products, and what options are now available for victims.

Products manufactured by Johns Manville Corporation were used in many different industries and trades. Occupational employees could have been exposed to friable asbestos fibers during many activities, including cutting, fitting, and securing insulation. At the time, most companies did not enforce safety measures for their employees, such as wearing personal protective equipment. Employees without gloves who often handle asbestos may develop serious health effects from the fibers encountered by their skin.

Johns’ Manville products not only affected their employees but also individuals who used their materials during work or had them present in their homes or workplaces. In addition, those who inspected, repaired, replaced, or removed Johns Manville’s asbestos products were inadvertently exposed. Johns’ Manville asbestos product list includes:

  • Insulation: Insulation covering pipes, boiler tanks, ducts, boards, and blankets, were often cut during repairs, releasing asbestos fibers into the air.
  • Flooring: Flooring tiles, vinyl, adhesive, and backing materials, exposed workers producing and installing the flooring, and the homes they were installed in. If tiles were cut during installation, asbestos fibers would be released into the air, exposing everyone not wearing protective clothing.
  • Ceiling Materials: Tiles, adhesive, and insulation containing asbestos released fibers into the air as ceilings were damaged, removed, or disturbed.
  • Fireproofing Materials: Spray fireproofing materials and fireproof insulation were easily damaged or deteriorated over time. When disturbed, they released asbestos fibers into the air and could easily be inhaled.

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Workers With Mesothelioma or Asbestosis

When mesothelioma is caught in its earlier stages, you have access to less invasive and more successful treatments. As the disease progresses, the prognosis typically worsens, and your body may be less responsive to treatment as the tumors spread. Advanced stages of asbestos-related diseases involve undergoing more complex and aggressive treatments, leading to increased side effects and reduced effectiveness.

If you’ve worked at Johns Manville, regular check-ups and screenings are helpful for catching asbestos-related diseases before they become too severe. Visiting a mesothelioma treatment medical center for an accurate diagnosis can help alleviate stress and begin your treatment journey earlier to give you a fighting chance. Mesothelioma hospitals have the latest technology and experienced staff for diagnosing and treating rare and aggressive diseases.

Johns Manville Asbestos Trust Fund

The Johns-Manville Corporation Asbestos Trust was established in 1988 as part of the company’s emergence from bankruptcy. The trust was created to compensate individuals harmed by asbestos exposure from Johns-Manville products. This followed the company’s 1981 filing for bankruptcy protection, which was not due to insolvency but rather an attempt to shield itself from the growing number of asbestos-related claims. Despite reporting $1.1 billion in profits in 1981, Johns-Manville sought bankruptcy protection to manage the financial liabilities associated with decades of worker’s asbestos-related injuries.

Texact number of people exposed to asbestos from Johns Manville products is almost impossible to calculate. However, based on past lawsuits and legal claims thousands of people have inadvertently been exposed to and developed asbestos-related diseases. The Johns Manville Asbestos Trust was created to ensure future victims receive the compensation they deserve, regardless of the company’s bankruptcy claim. To be eligible the claimant must:

  • Have a diagnosed asbestos-related disease recognized by the fund, such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer.
  • Show the disease was caused by materials manufactured or distributed by Johns Manville Corporation.
  • File the claim within the fund’s timeframe after the diagnosis.
  • Provide additional information such as medical records, employment history, and evidence of exposure.

Related Asbestos Litigation Cases and Settlements

Unfortunately, even after settling workers’ compensation claims, Johns-Manville continued using asbestos until 1985, endangering countless lives across multiple industries. This was also the case for other companies that were held accountable. Major cases relating to Johns Manville Corporation include:

  1. Amchem Products Inc. v. Windsor: Former Johns Manville employees teamed up with a group of other asbestos exposure victims for compensation for their asbestos-related injuries, such as developed health issues from inhaling disturbed asbestos fibers from their products. This was the first case examining the complexities of managing plaintiff groups involving individuals at different levels of exposure and injury.
  2. Georgine v. Amchem Products Inc.: First case to negotiate a national settlement trust fund for asbestos exposure victims. This fund was created for asbestos claims like Johns Manville Corporation, where the business has gone bankrupt already.  Many legal issues surrounding this case, including concerns about addressing different levels of asbestos-related harm and fair settlements for all class members.

Filing a Claim if you Were Exposed While Working

Although the trust fund laid an essential path for asbestos compensation, every case is unique and may require individual assessment to guarantee the compensation you deserve. You may be entitled to compensation if you were exposed to asbestos because of Johns Manville’s negligence. Other options, such as an individual lawsuit claim, are available if you do not meet trust fund requirements. Consulting with an attorney specializing in asbestos litigation ensures you receive fair compensation.

The asbestos industry faced significant legal backlash as documents bolstered efforts to hold these companies financially accountable. With over 1,000 lawsuits filed, attorneys are armed with evidence that could lead to substantial compensation for victims. Our patient advocates have experience in this field and offer personalized guidance specific to your circumstances. Filing a claim with a mesothelioma trust fund can be complex. Our website provides comprehensive resources covering the disease, treatment options, and medical support. Reach out to one of our patient advocates today, as they’re here to support you throughout the entire process.

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